Monday, August 1, 2016

Benefits of a Vegan Diet and Why the Human Body Was Designed to Be Vegan

The human body was not designed to consume meat and definitely not dairy, but rather for a plant friendly vegan diet. We have over 30 dissimilarities with carnivores, which are similarities we share with herbivores in regards to our design. For example, our digestive tract is a long plant friendly one. A true carnivore has a short digestive tract and meat is in and out in 3-7 hours. This does not give parasites a chance to hatch. In humans it takes three days to digest meat, giving it ample time for parasites to hatch. That is a big part of why an estimated 90% of people have parasites!

Vegan Diet

Furthermore, we have nails instead of claws, different stomach acidity, saliva, and our teeth structure is similar to an herbivores and definitely not a carnivores. It's in our instincts to not eat meat too. For example, if you saw a dead cow on the grass you wouldn't start salivating or want to eat it like that. A true carnivore would feast away. The only way you would want it is if you cooked it, in plants oils, and seasoned it with herbs etc. This is also since you have grown up eating meat so have grown accustomed to it. However, the human body was not designed for meat, but rather a vegan diet.

Meat is high in saturated fats and not as clean as plants. As well, if your meat is not organic, grass-fed, and free range, you also have to deal with growth hormones, antibiotics, and steroids. All of which grow you and make you more resistant to antibiotics. Plus any anxiety, and stress the animal went through in its life created chemical reactions in the body such as increased levels of adrenaline and cortisol, which you guessed it, ends up in you.

No wonder so many people are angry and when we think of vegans we think of mellow, chilled out people. Plus meat is so hard to digest. Digestion takes up most of your energy for the day. So if you are digesting mangoes versus steak, which do you think is harder on the body and gives you more energy to do what you need to do?

And dairy is very scary. It's the worst of all foods. We take milk, usually from a mistreated cow who is given hormones, steroids, and antibiotics, and cook it. Any nutrients in the milk is now gone, in fact the milk is acidic. We then fortify the milk with vitamins and calcium, but it is just not the real thing. When it ends up in your body it is so acidic that your body has to use its calcium and magnesium reserve just to neutralize the acidity. So that's right, dairy actually depletes your body of calcium. You have just been dispelled of one of the grandest myths of our time. Also dairy is also high in rancid fats and makes you gain weight very easily. Think of what that milk was designed for, a baby cow. That baby cow grows hundreds of pounds in its first year just off that milk.

So you must be thinking, where do I get my protein, calcium, and b12 from on a vegan diet? You can find plenty of protein in leafy greens, nuts, beans, sea algae, and sprouts. You only need 5 to 10 percent protein in you diet to build all the muscle you want and need. According to the world health organization you only need 5% protein and there has never been a case of protein deficiency in all of medical literature. Years of research and personal experience have led me to believe this whole protein hype is a marketing strategy by the meat industry. I eat 5% of my calories in the form of protein and have no problem building muscle. Actually, since my protein is raw and thus not denatured and more powerful, I have a much easier time building and keeping muscle on a vegan diet.

Calcium can be found in abundance in its raw and powerful form in leafy green vegetables. 1 lb of leafy greens such as kale or spinach will give you 100% of your RDA requirements for the day. B12 is actually a vitamin that is found in organic soil. So if you just leave some of that vitamin rich organic soil on your veggies you will get your b12. However, if you can't stand to do that, you can always supplement. But the vegan diet really is perfect and ideal. A balanced vegan diet has all your nutrient requirements and is clean and ideal for the plant friendly human body.

So at the end of the day, why would you even want to eat a healthy vegan diet? Well, I'll give you some killer, legitimate, and powerful reasons. A vegan diet, especially high is raw foods, will give you energy. This is because a high or full raw vegan diet is rich in nutrients, easy to digest, and light. Who wants to be tired all day? Energy is fun and makes everything else so much more exciting. This is because you are getting nutrients and not spending so much of your energy digesting heavy foods that are often loaded with toxins.

As well, you will lose weight. A vegan diet is high in fiber,which keeps you full, and nutrients so you don't eat and eat and eat. Plus plants are treated differently in the human body because we were designed for a plant friendly vegan diet. They go in and out, and are used for energy and nutrients. When we eat animal products or the newest GMO chemical and toxins, the body doesn't know what to do with them so they often get stored in the form of fat, especially around the midsection! How often do you see someone on a vegan diet who is overweight?

Other reasons to go on a vegan diet are you will slow aging. YES! The way you age is mostly under your control, and genetics plays a small part, but not all of it. Most of how you age is due to your diet, the way you take care of yourself through exercise, sleep, hydration, and how you manage stress. You are in control and you can be a hot grandmother at 70 like Annette Larkins and plenty of other hot senior citizens on a high or full raw vegan diet. A vegan diet, especial high in raw fruits and veggies has lots of nutrients and anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants fight free radical damage and help slow aging. I don't know about you, but I don't plan on getting old and am thankful for the raw vegan diet for making that possible.

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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Dukan Diet - Lose Weight Quickly and Keep It Off Forever - New French Diet

Do you want to lose 20 pounds or more quickly? If you haven't tried the Dukan Diet, keep reading this article. Created by a French doctor Pierre Dukan, this diet has created a stir in France over the last decade and was just released outside of France.

Dukan Diet

The Dukan Diet has proven a success in people with a little weight to lose and for those who want to lose a lot of weight in a hurry. Dr. Dukan notes that our weight gain is a result of how many fat cells we have. When we overeat, we get to a certain point where the fat cells grow large enough that if we don't stop the unhealthy cycle, they then split into two creating more fat cells. This makes dieting much harder. After working with thousands of patients, Dr. Dukan developed this diet to help people with all different body shapes and sizes to be able to lose and maintain weight loss.

The Dukan Diet helps people lose weight quickly because it works to attack the problem with an intense and limited diet in the beginning, gradually working into something that you can maintain for life. In his ten years working with patients, Dr. Dukan found that this worked for people who were obese and those who wanted to drop a few pounds to get to their ideal weight.

The Dukan diet is broken up into four sections or phases: the attack phase, the cruise phase, the consolidation phase and the stabilization phase. The diet isn't easy and requires some discipline but if you do stick with it, you can lose weight quickly. The Dukan Diet isn't a quick fix plan - it's a plan for life. Dukan focuses heavily on maintenance, getting through that critical period where most people gain back any weight they've lost through quick crash diets.

During the attack phase of the diet, you eat only protein. The focus on protein seems like the Atkin's plan. However, in contrast to the Atkin's plan, this isn't fatty protein with butter and as much fat as you like. Fat is to be trimmed off of beef and other meats, skin to be removed from the chicken. The attack phase or first portion of the diet can be done for one to ten days, depending on how much weight you need to lose. To lose more weight quickly, continue this attack first phase of the diet for as long as necessary.

The second phase of the Dukan diet is the cruise phase. You will continue to lose weight during this phase but not at the rate you did in the first phase. You will be alternating your protein-only days with protein and vegetable days. Avoiding starchy vegetables is important - most green vegetables can be eaten without restriction during this period on vegetable days. During the cruise phase of the Dukan diet, you can expect to lose about 2 pounds per week. You stay in this phase alternating protein and protein/vegetable days until you've reached your weight loss goal. If you want to lose weight quickly, stay in the attack phase for a longer time before starting this second phase of the diet. Then, continue the cruise phase until you reach your weight loss goal.

The consolidation phase is the third part of of the Dukan Diet. It is this period that Dr. Dukan says is the critical period where most dieters gain back weight they have lost. During this phase, you can add back in limited amounts of breads, cheese, pasta and other foods you love in moderation. Eat lean protein and vegetables every day. You can add in one serving of fruit per day as well as limited portions of whole grains and dairy. Dukan advises five days of this third phase for every pound of weight you have lost. You don't continue to lose weight in this phase so if you wanted to lose more weight. On the Dukan Diet, it is advised that you do low impact exercise such as a walk for 25 minutes each day.

The fourth phase or stabilization of the Dukan diet is your maintenance plan for life. In this phase, no foods are forbidden but one day each week, you eat only protein. You won't lose weight doing this but it will help you to maintain by balancing out the food during the rest of your week. Similar to the attack phase, during the protein days of the diet, avoid fats and chicken skin and avoid sauces.

Does this diet sound like something you could do? If you could lose 20, 30, 40 pounds or more and maintain it for life, it might be worth it right? Dr. Dukan has many patients thrilled with their weight loss on the Dukan Diet and now that it is available outside of France, more and more people are waking up to the possibility of quick weight loss with long-term results.

Article Source:

Friday, July 29, 2016

Fat Burning Soup - My Best Recipe For Losing Weight And Looking Great FAST

A fat burning soup that's delicious and filling is one of the best ways to slim down and get that flat tummy fast without having to starve yourself or spend days on a boring treadmill.

Fat Burning

Asian Mothers have a variety of soup recipes for this exact purpose, I can't tell you how many of them my 4 sisters and I had as children growing up in Taiwan...and they worked like crazy.

Today I'm going to give you a gift, one of my favorite fat burning soup recipes that I use in my local weight-loss classes with students who are looking to drop pounds quickly without gagging on nasty food!

Fat Burning Soup - The Skinny Asian Way 

There are so many different fat burning soup mixes on the market today that it can be confusing and overwhelming to cut through the nonsense and find the best solution. Most of it is pre-packaged as a powder and loaded with artificial preservatives and chemicals, definitely NOT the way to get lean in a natural and healthy way.

And while you're not going to learn ALL of the fat burning soup recipes that Asian women use to get skinny (even after just having a baby) from just a single article online, you CAN pick up some great tips that will get you started:

1. Follow my fat burning soup ingredient list closely - Stick to this list of major items, don't improvise as these are all critical for your metabolic rate to be improved:

- 1 to 2 x Cans of Red Tomatoes
- 2 x Green Peppers
- 1 x Head of Cabbage
- 1 x Teaspoon Each of Rosemary, Parsley, Tarragon and Sage
- 3 x Cloves of Garlic (normal size, chopped)
- 1 x Large Red Onion
- 2 x Ounces of Standard Shitake Mushrooms
- 1 x Hot Pepper (don't worry, you'll barely taste it but it's important for weight loss)
- 1 x 3-inch slice of Kombu Seaweed (this can be tough to get, skip it if you can't find any)
- 1 x Cube of Vegetable-based Bouillon
- 1 x Typical Celery Bunch
- 1 x Tablespoon of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

2. Prepare this magic fat burning soup the following way -Cut everything into bite-size pieces, and throw it all into a medium pot. Add water until it's fully submerged, and then cover with a lid.

Bring everything to a boil, and leave it there for 10-12 minutes. After, reduce the temperature down to low (simmer) and continue cooking until the vegetables are nice and tender (it usually takes another 10 minutes of simmering).

I've had students lose over 5 pounds in a week just by substituting this exact fat burning soup out for what they normally eat at dinner, but it also makes a great lunch if you're on the go or working and need to resist a fast food run.

3. If you just can't lose weight ever, try this secret tip - I know it can be depressing, but if you're upset because nothing has worked you need to learn one of the most powerful secret free methods that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...WITHOUT starving or doing crazy workouts.

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